Sunday, November 18, 2007

I love having a family who blogs...

The fun thing about this weekend has been checking in on the blogs to see what has been happening in other parts of the house. WB is on top of things as she documents each and every activity, and I like to check in to her site to see what I have been missing.

WB is so awesome, she should get some sort of reward or something for Sister of the Year, or something like that.

In other news, I planted a wine cooler in WB's purse this morning prior to departure for church. The original plan was for her to discover it during the church service thereby creating laughter from her, however she opened her purse on the way to church and busted out laughing. It was still funny, but would have been funnier if it had been discovered at church.

I will try the same prank tomorrow as she leaves for the airport. Wouldn't that be funny for airport security to make her dispose of the beverage, and she instead chugs it down right there, seeing as she is a raging alcoholic.

For now, take care...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, that's a really clever prank you pulled on WB, but you could have done better, Mr. Pirate Blogger......ha, ha, ha