Sunday, October 28, 2007

The best $32,000 money can buy...

Let me start off by saying that I am not against making as much money as possible as long as it is done with honesty and integrity, and not at the expense of poor people.

But I also think our priorities are a little screwed up as a nation.

I live in a really nice area. Williamson County located in Middle Tennessee has more than its fair share of really wealthy people. My home is dwarfed by the Mansions that line the streets all throughout Williamson County, and therein lies the topic for today's discussion.

Vince Young, the second year quarterback for the Titans just purchased a home in The Governors Club, an exclusive gated community just 3 short miles from my home. Odds are he spent well over a million for it, as most homes start at about a million. Now, I have no issue with the fact that Vince Young gets paid millions for tossing a football around. In fact, I am proud of the fact that as a nation we can have a job like that and get paid for our talent.

But, that is also the issue.

While I am not a proponent of teacher's unions, I will say this, there are good teachers in this world with whom we insult with the measly amount of money they are paid.

For crying out loud, these are the people we have put in charge of educating our children.

And they get a mere morsel compared to a professional athlete who gets to play football for a living.

We as a society place more importance on that athlete, and lament an injury sustained by them on the field more than we do the teacher who is charged with spending 40 hours a week with our children to teach them the things we want them to learn. And yet we are content to allow them to be paid so little for a task so important.

But I digress.

I think good teachers should be paid better than the average for in them lies the skill and talent to provide our nation the next generation of doctors, lawyers and leaders. Perhaps even another teacher or two. There are a limited number of pro athlete positions available, I think we should place more emphasis on what is truly important.

For now, take care...


Anonymous said...

I agree with you 100%. Teachers are over worked and underpaid. BUT my "issues" come about when they are in contract negotiations and do things to purposely "effect" the kids to get their point across. It is out of control here in NH. If you don't like the pay choose a different profession. Teachers also have the best benefits in the working world. They never mention this.

-Jason said...

I like what Neal Bortz states. He says that Teachers Unions are more destructive to the USA than Extremist Muslim Terrorists. He argues that with the crap that teachers are forced to teach, and the propaganda that spews forth, they are setting our nation up for failure.

The good teachers are the ones I am writing about. If teaching was like other professions where the best of the best succeed, and the rest fall by the way side, we as a nation would be a better place.

If the best of the best were rewarded via their paychecks, we would have people lining up to be teachers.