Saturday, August 11, 2007

The Pirate is back...

After being asked to leave my last posting spot, I am pleased to announce that effective immediately, when I have something to say, this will the forum to do so.

I welcome anyone who manages to make their way over here, and hope to truly challenge you on a frequent basis with thoughts that come from deep within. Of course although I think I am always right, the fact remains that you may have a difference of opinion and as such your option to comment is always welcome even if you disagree with me.

I will ask that you refrain from using profanity in your comments, and do reserve the right to edit or delete that which I don't feel is important or relevant to the topic at hand.

Welcome one, welcome all - I hope that this turns out to be a daily stopping ground for you.

For now though, take care...


wRitErsbLock said...

please change your settings to allow non-blogger people to be able to comment.

Chickie Carmarthen said...

Welcome to the 'sphere...just one question, are you a pirate as part of the followers of the Flying Spaghetti Monster? (